TOXIC MASCULINITY. The Silent Death Sentence!

Toxic- A term derived from the Medieval term ‘toxic us’ meaning poisonous or imbued with poison. Masculinity- Having the qualities or appearance considered to be typical of men or connected with men. We are in a world that has consistently evolved to current day and we are now in a time and space where perhaps we all need to take time to pause and introspect deeply, perhaps even mediate and take a long hard look at our society to understand and maybe question more answers as opposed to just answering questions to truly dissect this topic and have a better comprehension, to position ourselves into creating a better tomorrow for our children. Out of curiosity, I will delve into a few practical, diverse yet linked perceptions of this difficult conversation on toxic masculinity, if you dear Sir or Madam, would so kindly indulge my 2 Cents ; § ...