Celebrating The International Day For The Girl Child: A well consolidated plan and integral strategy to empower men to create an enabling environment that addresses the global concern of protecting the rights of the marginalized Girl Child.

If you were to ponder over or cognitively think about any human creature that has been a subject to all forms of oppression in the global society for many centuries, you would conclude that it’s the girl child and women as well that have been significantly hit and afflicted by oppressors in our sophisticated society. It’s quite evident that the root cause of this flaw tearing the female being is known to each one of us since the origin of life. If the human race was programmed to conceal the truth, l will never subscribe to this barbaric notion and mystery, but rather rationally choose to dwell on the practical truth as l underscore that though other factors are apparently fueling the marginalization of the girl child, to a greater extent, men are the instigators of Gender Based Violence, all forms of oppression and marginalization of the girl child and women all over the world. It’s more likely that a predominant group of people will have a different perspective on the detrimental and...