Teenage Pregnancy: MEN Should Take Action in Protecting Young People T he World Health Organization describes a teenager as one aged between 10 and 19. Teenagers make up about 25% of Uganda’s Population’s and among the 25% are either pregnant or have had a child. A total of 19% of the teenage girls (1,565,500) have had a child and 6% are carrying their first child. However, when mention of this subject arises males/men are not mentioned or made pivotal in addressing problems or as part of the solution. The narrative that seems to uphold precarious male hegemony will continue finding deeper roots and will be harder to uproot. If durable solutions against teenage pregnancy are to occur, there is need to leverage men/male action, stimulate conversations and entrench practices that do not make the girl child and women sex-toys or play things. Adolescent pregnancies are a global problem that occurs in high, middle, and low income countries. Around the world, adolescent pregnancies ...